

Web 3D Interface
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Inspired by the history and homeopathic practice of water memory, Water imagines an unstable data structure as an alternative to the stable stacks of computer memory. Moving away from massive data collection and analysis, Water speculates the life cycles of data within cycles of solid, liquid, and gas. By introducing this ambiguous mechanism and interface, Water reconsiders one’s relationship with their own data.

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We invited participants to send us data in a USB drive to store in water. We transferred data in water via eletromagnetic waves around a USB cord. Data transfer was conducted within a faraday cage so that minimal noise would disturb tha data. Such water is frozen, wrapped in aluminum foil, and delivered to the participant along with a list of suggestions on how to interact with their data in its new form.

Data shifts in the volatile forms of "Solid, Liquid, Gas". Operations of "Read, Write, Transfer, Delete" are acted as “Bite, Eat, Lick, Drink, Freeze, Cut, Share, Mix, Release”. The instable and amorphous water embraces data as inherently precarious and reorient our right to own, to remember and to forget.